NPPGov is owned by two non-profit hospital systems. Our proceeds support healthcare and healthy communities. NPPGov member activity makes a difference. Become a member today.
About Us
Our Cause
NPPGov National Buying Cooperative
NPPGov is a national cooperative procurement organization offering publicly solicited contracts to government entities nationwide. Our contracts are created through a public solicitation and award process by Lead Public Agencies.
Membership is free, and there are no minimum purchasing obligations. NPPGov provides live contract support five days a week with a team dedicated to assisting members through all stages of the procurement process.
Valued Partners

NPPGov is proud to partner with the National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP), North America’s premier association for cooperative procurement.
NCPP is committed to promoting the highest level of business ethics, best practices, and standards to serve the needs of government, education, and non-profit agencies across the country.