Alexis Fire Equipment Offers Firefighting Apparatus

NPPGov, the leader in public safety cooperative purchasing, is excited to announce that Alexis Fire Equipment has signed an agreement to be a vendor offering high-quality firefighting apparatus to NPPGov members.

Alexis is one of the only remaining family-owned custom-built fire equipment manufacturers in the Midwest and prides itself on a tradition of product excellence, acute customer care and superior service.

NPPGov members can now access member pricing on their:

  • 12′ Response Ones


  • 75′ Aerials


  • 110′ Aerials

  • 3000 Gallon Tankers


  • Commercial Equalizer Pumpers


  • Custom Heavy Rescues

  • Custom Side Control Pumpers


  • Mini Pumpers


  • Flatbed Brush Trucks

“Alexis Fire Equipment consistently provides their clients with personal customer service and perfectly custom-crafted apparatus,” said Bill DeMars, Executive Director of NPPGov. “Their portfolio of products is among the best in the region and our members will be thrilled to access member pricing in order to procure them.”

About Alexis Fire Equipment

Since the company was founded in 1947, Alexis Fire Equipment has evolved and grown from a small fabrication shop, to a sophisticated business that now spans over 75,000 square feet and employs over 80 skilled engineers, craftsmen, and mechanics —a figure that continues to grow.

Our expanding product line includes custom built rescues, aerials, tankers, pumpers, mini pumpers, brush trucks, and mini units. As one of the only remaining family-owned custom-built fire equipment manufacturers in the Midwest, Alexis continues to instill the tradition of product excellence, acute customer care, and superior service.

About NPPGov

NPPGov is a national cooperative procurement organization offering publicly solicited contracts to government entities nationwide. Our contracts are created through a public solicitation by a Lead Public Agency. Access to our cooperative contracts is complimentary with no purchasing obligations.

NPPGov serves Government and Nonprofit organizations. Public Safety GPO and Law Enforcement GPO are programs of NPPGov with contracts that focus on Fire/Rescue and Law Enforcement. All members have access to a broad range of publicly solicited contracts with discounted pricing, as well as individual discount programs.

Benefits of cooperative contracts:

  • Saves time and money in the procurement process


  • Live contract support

NPPGov offers the most extensive selection of Public Safety agreements for products and services to save your department time and money while getting the products you want. In addition to our publicly solicited agreement, NPPGov also offers our department members a discount program for individual members from such vendors as AT&T FirstNet, Hewlett-Packard, PODS and more. NPPGov owns all their own agreements and their process is completely RFP-driven, versus price negotiated. This allows organizations to purchase easily by harnessing the buying power of more than 45,000 member organizations.

Membership to NPPGov is free with no purchasing obligations. NPPGov customer service agents are experts at helping members find real savings of not only money, but also time, during the procurement process.Members have access to a large variety of publicly solicited contracts to simplify purchasing while complying with procurement requirements.

NPPGov is the government division of National Purchasing Partners (NPP), owned by nonprofit hospitals. A substantial portion of NPPGov proceeds help support medical research and healthcare initiatives and provides live contract support five days a week with a dedicated team to assist members through all stages of the procurement process.

Contact NPPGov customer service at 877.329.8847 if you have questions. Membership is free with no purchasing obligations. Members have access to a large variety of publicly solicited contracts to simplify purchasing while complying with procurement requirements.