Announcing Resource Management Associates: Our Newest Contract

We are pleased to announce our new Consulting Services for Public Organizations contract with Resource Management Associates (RMA), as the result of a recently completed RFP by our Lead Public Agency partner, Public Procurement Authority.

RMA is a fully independent consulting firm, specializing in public safety needs. RMA approaches each client’s project with a high level of expertise, experience and objectivity, ensuring that the client’s unique needs are met in a way that is strategically and technically sound, manageable, and fiscally prudent.

Products on contract include:


  • Assessment centers


  • Promotional examinations


  • Executive recruitment


  • Strategic Planning



  • Management reviews


  • 9-1-1 services


  • Information technology

Our contracts have been publicly solicited and awarded by a Lead Public Agency through an RFP process. Your organization is able to “piggy-back” on contract, eliminating the need to complete your own RFP process.