AT&T Firstnet Education

Available With FirstNet

  • Unlimited Wireless Data: AT&T Special DataConnect for Education plans.
  • Increased Network Management Threshold: After 50GB (previously 22GB) of data usage, we may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.
  • Content Filtering: Schools have two options: either Enterprise Traffic Protector or AccessMyLAN™.
  • Hotspot Options: AT&T Moxee hotspot option available.
  • Ease of Contracting: Single contract and single bill with Enterprise Traffic Protector or AccessMyLAN™.
  • Video Streaming Controls: For content identified as video, wireless streaming speed will be limited to Standard Definition quality (about 480p), similar to DVD. Interactive conferencing applications typically used for eLearning are not impacted by these controls.
  • Penny Suspend: Schools can temporarily suspend service for up to 3 months in a 12-month period. During the suspension, the monthly charge for the data plan will be reduced to $0.01/month, the service charge for Enterprise Traffic Protector or AccessMyLAN will be waived, and associated bill credits will be suspended.

FirstNet Benefits

To help close the gap and enable connected learning, AT&T is offering discounted unlimited wireless data plans and content filtering services to more than 135,000 public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities across the country for a limited time.

Introducing a 12-month option, in addition to 24 months and BYOD (Available for 100+ activations). From 1/27/21 through 4/27/21, schools can migrate existing AT&T lines or activate new lines for students or teachers with either of the following combinations of services:

  • A qualified unlimited wireless data plan and Enterprise Traffic Protector service for a combined promotional price of $13/month for 12 months or $12/month for 24 months.
  • A qualified unlimited wireless data plan and AccessMyLAN™ service for a combined promotional price of $18/month for 12 months or $17/month for 24 months.

We understand that student populations change throughout the year. Schools that add at least one eligible line before 4/27/21 will also be able to activate additional lines with these services at the same price through 9/30/23. Note that for all lines activated under this offer, the promotional pricing ends on 9/30/23.

We value and recognize the commitment and dedication of teachers. They are truly the heart of our schools and, during this time, even our homes. Experts in the classroom, educators are now learning to transfer those skills to remote learning, and connectivity is a critical priority for their success. That’s why we are providing schools the ability to get lines at no cost for their teachers.

Based on the average class size of 1 teacher to 24 students, schools will get one free qualified line for a teacher – with the Special DataConnect for Education plan and either Enterprise Traffic Protector or AccessMyLAN™ – for every 24 lines for students that are migrated to or activated on the qualified services.

In addition, schools have the option to get hotspot devices for teacher and student qualified lines through 9/30/2023, subject to availability:

  • AT&T Moxee mobile hotspot devices at no cost, after credits, with a 12 and 24-month Equipment Installment Plan.

Learn more about this special AT&T offer for education

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