This is a publicly solicited contract established through an RFP process conducted by a Lead Public Agency. This contract satisfies formal competitive bid requirements of most states. All NPPGov members are urged to seek independent review by their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all state and local requirements.
Skeeter Emergency Vehicles

Expiration Date
Jan 6, 2026Renewal Limit
Jan 6, 2029Contract #
PS22050Lead Public Agency
League of Oregon CitiesDocuments
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Products on Contract
- Wildland Fire Apparatus, UTV's, and Types 7 through Type 1, with most apparatus being Type 6 - Type 3
- Tender/Tankers, both Tactical and Standard, (Type S2 - T2)
- Rapid Intervention Units, (aircraft)
- High Water Rescue Vehicles (both with and without skid units), 12,000 GVW to 36,000 GVW
- UTV's (Rescue and Firefighting Capable)
- Industrial Fire Apparatus
- Specialty Fire and Rescue Apparatus
! Synopsis, MPA, RFP, and IGA available to logged in members. Please log in to view complete list of contract documents and instructions.+
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The crew continues to be impressed with the off-road capabilities of their Skeeter. This winter they had a muddy hill situation as well as many responses in deep snow. This apparatus exceeded their expectations.- Jason E.