Conney Safety Protects Workers and Their Work
As a member of NPPGov, you can take advantage of discounted pricing from Conney Safety Products, a Division of WESCO Distribution. Conney Safety offers full-service safety solutions to keep workers safe. Key relationships with all major safety manufacturers ensure that Conney Safety has the right items to fulfill your safety needs!
Benefits of ordering from Conney Safety:
- Specialty pricing for contracted items
- Create and save personalized shopping lists
- Review and track orders
- Printable SDS information
- Online safety links and resources
- Live help from Conney Safety Support team and Customer Service
Ready to get started? Click the button below to sign-in to your Conney Safety account or register for a new account.
Contact your Conney Safety Representative:
Arial LeBron l Government SLED Account Manager
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Our contracts have been publicly solicited and awarded by a Lead Public Agency through an RFP process. Your agency is able to “piggy-back” on the contract, eliminating the need to complete your own RFP process.
*For a complete list of pricing and contract documents login to your account.