NCPP Wants You To Be A Member

A new Association – National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) – was formed to be the “voice” for cooperative procurement, providing unique educational content, advocacy and support for all your cooperative procurement questions. Take advantage of the many benefits that are FREE to public procurement and government teams:

  • “First Aid Kit” for Emergency Preparedness with a list of contracts that your Agency should have in place BEFORE an Emergency hits your area.
  • “Road Map to a Cooperative Procurement Strategy” with all the questions that you need to ask to properly analyze any type of cooperative, supplier and contract.
  • Highly successful Webinar series featuring “in-the-know” procurement leaders across the nation – series that is FOR Procurement, BY Procurement. High survey ratings demonstrate this series provides meaningful information and take-aways to use in their daily operations.
  • Access to a speaker’s bureau for your next conference – need a speaker on cooperative procurement – we can help!

The world of cooperatives has grown exponentially over the past decade and continues to grow in the upcoming years. NCPP serves as THE resource for cooperatives, suppliers and the public procurement community. JOIN TODAY…and free copies of the First Aid Kit and Road Map will be mailed to you.