The Benefits of an Emergency Notification System for Daily Use

This post originally appeared on the American Time blog. NPPGov has reposted it with permission. You can find the original post here.

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Campus Safety’s reports and surveys make clear the importance of having multiple communication systems and regularly using those systems so staff and students are familiar with how they work. Different systems fill in the inevitable gaps of any single technology, ensuring redundancy and clearer communications during a crisis, and facilitate alerts being sent to different audiences in an emergency, such as students, law enforcement, parents, neighbors, etc.

Purchasing multiple emergency notification systems is no cheap feat and remembering how to use each system – especially in the midst of a crisis – can slow response times. To add value to these systems and remain familiar with their operation, educational organizations should consider emergency notification systems that can be applied to daily needs, such as regular classroom messaging, displaying analog or digital clock times, non-emergency alerts and reminders, news and more. According to the Campus Safety survey, only 32 percent of K-12 respondents use their emergency notification systems for non-emergencies and only 10 percent of colleges and universities do so.

Daily use drives value

Emergency notification systems don’t have to sit unused until there’s a drill or emergency, as long as you choose a versatile system. With the ability to display school news, event reminders, customized messages and even analog or digital clock time, an emergency notification system can be used for everyday communications. Teachers can customize screens in their classroom with reminders or news, and receive messages as well. This is especially helpful if a student is called to the office; the notification system can simply ping the teacher’s room and display a message that the student should come to the office. No need to use the PA system and disrupt the entire school!

Likewise, systems that display analog or digital clocks replace the need to maintain a clock system throughout a building or campus, increasing the system’s value and streamlining maintenance tasks.

Daily use for different types of emergencies

Emergency notification systems don’t have to sit unused until there’s a drill or emergency, as long as you choose a versatile system. With the ability to display school news, event reminders, customized messages and even analog or digital clock time, an emergency notification system can be used for everyday communications. Teachers can customize screens in their classroom with reminders or news, and receive messages as well. This is especially helpful if a student is called to the office; the notification system can simply ping the teacher’s room and display a message that the student should come to the office. No need to use the PA system and disrupt the entire school!

Likewise, systems that display analog or digital clocks replace the need to maintain a clock system throughout a building or campus, increasing the system’s value and streamlining maintenance tasks.

Daily use increases familiarity when seconds matter

A system only works as well as its users’ ability to leverage it. It’s imperative that staff are comfortable using a technology or tool in a stressful situation. We can become disoriented in an emergency and lose the ability to make complex decisions, so relying on a system that is only used a few times a year may be risky.

An emergency communication system for daily use gives school staff a better level of comfort and trust because they are already familiar with the technology. When seconds matter, relying on a system that is used every day can support faster response times and safer outcomes.

More resources

American Time

American Time, a privately owned company based in Minnesota since 1980, is a manufacturer and distributor of synchronized clock/notification systems. With reputable clock experts on hand, primary industries served include, but are not limited to: education, healthcare, manufacturing, government and transportation. By providing various solutions such as complete wired and wireless clock systems, replacement system clocks, IP Network clocks, wall clocks and protective wire guards—American Time has set itself apart from its competitors and is considered an industry leader within their product lines.

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