Nonprofit Spotlight – Live Purple

Live Purple’s objective is to work with gyms, schools, and other entities to help encourage an interest in healthy physical activity among youth to assist with the prevention and recovery from addiction. The goal is to make sure people are aware of 3 major things:

  • Why practicing a physically active lifestyle needs to be a daily routine and how that activity is beneficial to the body and mind.
  • What feeling “normal” really means and the symptoms of depression, anxiety, difficulties concentrating, or any other mental health disorders. Trained professionals are available 2/7, offering resources and safe solutions designed to help people with their pain.
  • Skills and tools to prevent addiction and know the dangers associated with self-medication and substance abuse.

Live Purple uses fitness and activity to counteract potential risk factors, such as stress, anxiety, and a growing environment of inactivity among our culture. Without physical activity, which helps with the emotional well-being of the individual, even on a chemical level in the brain, it is not unreasonable to see how less productive solutions like opioids are sought after and can lead to addiction and mental health disorders. Live Purple aims to show those individuals dealing with addiction and mental health disorders that they are not alone and that they are not helpless.

Chris Finch, the founder of Live Purple, has worked in the fitness industry for over two decades. He has experienced firsthand the benefits of what would eventually become Live Purple’s mission, both through himself and through others. His love for fitness began the day he saved an alcoholic’s life. By using the gift of fitness, Chris helped free the man from his addiction and achieve sobriety. This solution would eventually play a role in saving his own life years later.

Currently, one of Live Purple’s projects is to develop a customizable app to help people of all ages track and manage their health. This comprehensive health and fitness application will integrate with a variety of devices, ranging from exercise machines to smart watches, as well as provide education via research-based articles, courses and videos.

Visit to learn more, donate, and stay up-to-date with Live Purple’s progress.