Welcome to your quarterly Newsletter
We Have a New Website
You might have noticed something different when you visited nppgov.com. We have a brand new website! It’s been revamped and updated to give you a better user experience. You can access all the information you need at your fingertips, including contract documents, price lists, and contact information. If you haven’t had a chance to explore, make sure to check out the improved contract search functionality, interactive map with state statutes, and integrated social media buttons.
Also, don’t forget to reset your password if you haven’t already. You must update your password in order to access the new website. Once you’re logged in, you’ll notice your member ID in the upper right corner. This is your new member ID that will need to be given to vendors when purchasing off our contracts going forward.
If you have questions or feedback, contact your Regional Manager.
First States Opt-In to Firstnet
The FirstNet initiative is progressing and has seen over 25 states and territories opt-in (as of the time of this publication). Virginia made history by being the first state to opt-in and the other states followed shortly behind. This decision allows FirstNet and AT&T to create an entirely new wireless network for public safety, individualized for each state. State plans were designed based on feedback from the state’s public safety community. To see a current opt-in map click here.
Since delivering the state plans in June, FirstNet and AT&T have been meeting with states and territories regarding the proposals. States must give their official opt-in or opt-out decision by Dec 28.
For more FirstNet news, visit the FirstNet Newsroom.
NPPGov is proud to support FirstNet and AT&T and we offer FirstNet pricing and details through our AT&T contract.
Cooperative Contracting on the Rise
Onvia recently released its 2nd annual comprehensive Survey of Government Procurement Professionals findings. The survey sought to monitor and track progress in key areas such as challenges faced by procurement teams through bid and RFP research and preparation, vendor recruitment, quality of contracted services, and ultimate customer service to their agencies. Current government procurement trends indicate that cooperative procurement will continue to grow and evolve as procurement teams rely on this effective contracting method. To read more about the findings, click here.
NPPGov has also seen an increase in contract utilization and appreciates the opportunity to be your procurement solution provider. If there is anything you would like to see on contract, please let us know by emailing customerservice@nppgov.com or by contacting your Regional Manager.
Newly Added Contracts
NPPGov has been working with our Lead Public Agency Partner, Public Procurement Authority (PPA), to finalize a multitude of new contracts. Several vendors responded to and were awarded contracts in the recent round of RFPs for Firefighting Equipment, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Cloud Storage for Government Services, and Software Solutions for Government Services. As a reminder, contracts are competitively bid and publicly awarded so you can piggyback off of them, saving time and money. Many of these new contracts are currently being finalized. Those that have been completed and are available to you now include the following:
MES: Both Firefighting Equipment and SCBA
Curtis: Both Firefighting Equipment and SCBA
Deccan International: Software SOlutions for Government Services
TargetSolutions: Software Solutions for Government Services
Ten-8 Fire Equipment: Both Firefighting Equipment and SCBA (FL and GA only)
More to come soon…