As you may have noticed, NPPGov has a new website! Our goal with this new website is to provide visitors an easier way to navigate our publicly solicited contracts, and find the solution for any procurement needs a government entity may require.
Some of the new features of the website include Improved search functionality, an interactive map of the US that allows you to research the most recent procurement laws/statutes by state, as well as a contact page listing our Regional Managers, who are available to assist and answer any procurement/contracting questions you may have.
Along with the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to foster improved communication with members. We will updating our content with helpful information like, articles, blogs, newsletters, and company announcements via social media and our News and Events page.
In order to login to the new site and access contract documentation, you must update your password. Click the “Log In” button in the corner to log into our new site. After logging in you will be asked to reset your password. If you have forgotten your current password, click the “Forgot?” link.