Your NPPGov Q2 Newsletter Welcome to your Q2 Newsletter This edition of the NPPGov Newsletter provides information about our upcoming new contracts and gives a FirstNet update. We also share an educational… June 12, 2018
Announcing Bauer Compressors, Inc: Our Newest Contract We are pleased to announce our new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) contract with Bauer Compressors, Inc., as the result of a recently completed RFP by our Lead… June 11, 2018
Introducing Staples Workplace Series – Quality Seating Made in the USA Introducing the Workplace Series™ 50 by Staples Business Advantage Staples Business Advantage is more than office supplies. With your NPPGov membership, Staples can be your one stop shop… June 8, 2018
Tales of Savings: Shawnee Fire Department Wins with US Digital Designs City Commissioners for Shawnee Fire Department recently approved the departments request to purchase a fire station alerting system from US Digital Designs. The system will be placed in… June 8, 2018
Nonprofit Spotlight: Campbell’s Crew Cares Campbell’s Crew Cares is a new Arizona 501(c)3 charitable organization with the mission to provide hope to those in need. Although they are new, they have been successful… June 8, 2018
Contracts You Need Before an Emergency National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) has put together a suggested list of contracts to have in place before an emergency strikes. This list was compiled based on interviews… June 8, 2018
The Latest FirstNet News FirstNet’s nationwide footprint is expanding with the build out of the coveted Band 14. This is public safety’s dedicated spectrum across statewide radio access networks throughout the country,… June 8, 2018
Register for NCPP’s Free Emergency Preparedness Webinar Series NCPP is Hosting a Free Webinar Series, "Emergency Preparedness: Procurement Super Heroes - No Cape Required!" National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) is hosting its latest free webinar series.… June 7, 2018
The Fiscal Year is Coming to an End and NPPGov Can Help NPPGov wants to help you as you hurry to get in last minute spending before the fiscal year ends. We know your job can be challenging, so let… May 29, 2018
Nonprofits Can Save More With NPPGov Your NPPGov membership gives you access to a number of contracts for the products you already use from the companies you trust. Save on things like office and… May 8, 2018