Your NPPGov Q1 Newsletter

Welcome to your Q1 Newsletter

The New Year has started with a bang and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Our customer service needs continue to grow, so in order to maintain the level of service you are accustom to, we have hired another team member! Our Lead Public Agency partner has published 6 new RFPs, which will give you more options for your purchasing needs. We continue to be your one-stop shop for cooperative procurement.

Amid all the responsibilities you’re juggling, don’t forget that our diverse portfolio of cooperative contracts can help make procurement easier. Your designated Regional Manager is eager to assist in saving you time and money. Contact them today.


March is Procurement Month!

We would like to thank and honor procurement officials from across the country for their tireless work and dedication to their profession.

Hundreds of thousands of public sector procurement officials provide procurement guidance and management of a multitude of goods, services, technology, and infrastructure categories across the country.

We appreciate all that you do day-in and day-out, but this month we celebrate you!

Lead Public Agency Publishes New RFPs and Launches New Contract

Our Lead Public Agency partner, Public Procurement Authority (PPA), has published 6 new RFPs that closed on February 5, 2018. We look forward to sharing the resulting contracts with you as they become available. To learn more about the new RFPs, please visit PPA’s website. The new RFPs are:

  • Consulting Services for Public Organizations #1715


  • Government Auction Services #1730


  • Park and Playground Equipment, Surfaces and Amenities #1720


  • Public Safety Radio Communications Equipment #1710


  • Public Safety Simulation Training Equipment #1725


  • Utility Vehicles #1705

We are also pleased to announce our latest contract with Holmatro as the result of a recently completed RFP with PPA. Holmatro specializes in rescue tools for the public safety industry. To view a complete list of our current portfolio, please visit our website to learn more.

All States/Territories Have Opted-in to Firstnet

FirstNet, a nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety, has had a landmark achievement with all states and territories opting-in to the proposed deployment plans. Through FirstNet’s public-private relationship with AT&T, first responders now have a nationwide interoperable network that will help enhance communications during emergencies and other events. 2018 will see the expansion of the network, along with innovative technologies and applications.

NPPGov is proud to support AT&T and the FirstNet initiative. Through our publicly solicited and awarded AT&T contract you can access FirstNet related products and services. Learn more and make sure to check our website for additional contracts that will enhance the FirstNet experience.

Senate Reauthorizes AFG/SAFER and USFA Grant Programs

The senate recently passed the United States Fire Administration (USFA), Assistance for Firefighters Grant (AFG, also known as the FIRE Grant), and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Reauthorization Act. This saved the FIRE and SAFER Grant programs from expiring on January 2 and pushes their sunset dates to September 30, 2024. Click here to read about the other benefits of the bill.

CA Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO)

Palm Springs, CA


Alaska Fire Chiefs Leadership Summit

Juneau, AK

FireHouse World

San Diego, CA


Fire-Rescue East

Daytona, FL

CA Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) Conference

Long Beach, CA


Click here to see where we went in 2017.